[. . . ] SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE INSTALLING AND OPERATING THE UNIT: This air conditioner meets strict safety and operating standards. The installer of this unit must install or service this unit so it operates safely and efficiently. Precautions When Wiring: · Do not plug in the unit until all connections (tubing, drain hose, mounting, etc. ) have been made and double-checked. · High voltages are present in this unit and are very dangerous. [. . . ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Drain Hose Extension Tape Copper Tubing Extension Insulator Plate Putty Connection Cord Signal Connection Cord Complete Optional Accessories (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Part No. 3103200400 2TQ1008000 3100002600 3103301000 2221040001 3102797200 3112704600 3112704700 3100400000 Qty 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Material Size ID19. 6 X 2m PVC Pipe Remark PVC 80W X 0. 1T X 3. 5m 1/2", 1/4" Copper Tube F-US 225 X 120 X 8T 80g 3P X 6m 5P x 3m White 5P x 3m Red 17 INSTALLATION DIAGRAM Below is an overview for the connection of the Indoor unit to the Outdoor unit. The pages following will give detailed instructions for full installation. Remember to read the complete Installation section and follow all the safety instructions fully when installing the Indoor and Outdoor units. OVERVIEW This appliance must be installed according to national power supply acquirement. 10cm (3. 95in) from ceiling 30cm (11. 8in) from side wall 10cm (3. 95in) from side wall 10cm (3. 95in) from side wall Wall Bracket Wall Drain Hose Wall Cap At least 30cm (11. 8in) from unit Pipes (Not Supplied) AC Connection (Not Supplied) Wrap with Tape AC Outlet and Plug Plug into 220V~240V AC Outlet Maximum Height Maximum Length 7M (21Ft) 15M (49Ft) 23. 6 60 inches cm 1 cm 0 Any tube length between 7 and 15 meters must be precharged with freon using the following calulation: (Length ­ 5) x 30 grams Adding additonal tubing will decrease efficiency 3. 9 inches 27. 6 inches (12000 BTU/h) 70 cm NOTES: · After installation it must be possible for the user to dis connect the power supply plug. · If the AC outlet is a 3pronged type or other, have an electrician install a new outlet. · The specification of AC con nection is 1. 5mm 2X 4PX6m. (9000BTU/h) Copper Tubing 23. 6 inches Connecting cable Signal Wire Drain Hose Ground Wire (Not Supplied) 1/2" side piping 1/4" side piping Drain Hose 60 m c 18 INSTALLATION SELECTING A SITE: INDOOR UNIT · Do not install the unit in an area with direct sunlight, near heat sources (radiator, etc. ), or an area where leakage of flammable gas may be expected. · Select a position in the room, high on the wall, where the whole room can be uniformly cooled. · Select a location that can hold the weight of the unit and where the copper tubing, drain hose and Indoor to Outdoor Wire have the shortest distance to the Outdoor unit. · Make sure the Indoor unit is installed at least 10cm (3. 95in) away from the top and left side wall and at least 30cm (11. 8in) from AC outlet and right side wall (see Overview figure on previous page). OUTDOOR UNIT · Do not install the unit in an area near heat sources, exhaust fans, or an area where leakage of flammable gas may be expected. · Leave enough room around the unit for air intake, exhaust and possible maintenance. INSTALLING THE WALL BRACKET: To install the wall bracket, follow the procedures below. One hole is required for the tubing and may be either on the left or right side. Determine the type of wall (sheetrock, concrete, etc. ) and make sure it is strong enough to hold indoor unit. Select an approximate position for the unit, taking the required distances away from walls/AC outlet into consideration. Determine if the hole is to be made at the left or right hole location. 150 mm 60 mm DMB-1812LH (9000BTU/h) 10 mm 10 mm 150 mm 60 mm DMB-1812LH (12000BTU/h) 10 mm CAUTION · Before making hole, make sure there are no studs, pipes, electrical wiring or conduit directly behind the area to be cut. 3. Using drill with hole-cutting attachment or equivalent, cut a hole 65mm (2. 56") in diameter. The hole should be made at a slight downward slant to the outdoor side. Measure the thickness from the inside to outside edges and cut a PVC pipe at a slight angle 1/4" shorter than the thickness of the wall and insert pipe in wall. 4. For sheetrock, wooden or similar wall, measure down from the ceiling using a level or tape measure and attach the wall bracket to the wall using 4 screws. If you are not able to line up the holes with the beams, use toggle bolts. Make sure the wall bracket is even and flush against the wall. Indoor Outdoor Cut at slight angle For Concrete, or similar type wall, make holes into the wall and insert concrete nails instead of screws. 19 10 mm INSTALLING THE INDOOR/OUTDOOR WIRE TO THE INDOOR UNIT FOR AC CONNECTION DMB-1812LH(9000BTU/h) The Indoor/Outdoor wire is used to supply AC from the Indoor unit to the Outdoor unit. To install the indoor/outdoor wire, follow the procedures below. 1. [. . . ] Insert cleaned or new black filters back into the unit. NOTES: · The filters should be changed every 6 months. · After getting rid of vinyl in the filter (Deodorizing and Electrostatic), use it. CLEANING THE INDOOR COVER To clean the indoor cover, follow the procedures below: 1. Remove the left and right side to open the indoor cover upward by two hands. (Remove it when cleaning. ) NOTES: · Wipe the indoor cover with soft sponge or soft cloth. [. . . ]